Version 5.3 Special Preview Program Discussion Thread
Version 5.3 Special Preview Program Discussion Thread
Version 5.3 "Incandescent Ode of Resurrection" Trailer EN
Version 5.3 "Incandescent Ode of Resurrection" Trailer JP
Time: December 20th, 07:00 AM (UTC-5)
All live broadcasts have finished.
New Codes:
- UAMPGJASECZH (Primogems ×100 + Mystic Enhancement Ore ×10)
- LT5NH2TTXUHM (Primogems ×100 + Hero's Wit ×5)
- 4SLPH3BSFVH9 (Primogems ×100 + Mora ×50,000)
English Broadcast
- Link: Official Twitch channel (finished)
- Link: Official YouTube channel
- The recording will be available on the official YouTube channel after the Premiere.
Chinese Broadcast
Link: Official bilibili channel (finished)
Japanese Broadcast
Link: Official JP YouTube