Spot the difference
Spot the difference
Spot the difference
I swear to god ultras are more interested in the sort of masturbatory philosophising of categories than it actually producing any useful insights. It's the most anti Marxist thing to insist that a thing has to be only a singular thing with a concrete and rigid definition, it's like Marx didn't bludgeon you with dialectical materialism hard enough on practically every work of his. He spends decades insisting on the dialectical process and the necessary work to resolve contradiction through material means, which is an integral part of development, only for y'all to go "but this is vaguely like thing, how can it be other thing?"
Man said communism and the abolishment of the commodity form, of private property, the development of the productive forces, couldn't be achieved overnight, and every ultra went "but it's already been overnight, so now it can be, right?"
China has all the elements of a capitalist mode of production
It does when you ignore all the material differences. A state where the biggest capital holders are regularly punished if they break the law or step out of line politically is not a state where capital has final say.
There's been no counter revolution in China, the organs of proletarian power remain in place even as reforms have been undertaken in every facet of life in China. It is the utmost chauvinism to pretend to know better than the biggest communist party in the world where even local officials are required to study Marxism diligently. Being really confident and having misunderstood Das Kapital to be a prescriptivist economical taxonomy doesn't make you an authority on Marxism. Applying that shit is what does.
A state where the biggest capital holders
So you admit it is capitalist?
are regularly punished if they break the law or step out of line politically is not a state where capital has final say.
The state are capitalists, they employ workers in state enterprises and pay them a wage in exchange for their labor. They are just a different aristocratic rank then the private capitalists
There’s been no counter revolution in China, the organs of proletarian power remain in place even as reforms have been undertaken in every facet of life in China.
This system would NOT be possible in a DoTP.
“996” was never legal, was never pervasive, and the state cracked down on it years ago.
“996” was never legal,
Cool. Union-busting is illegal in the US too. Not paying overtime is illegal in the US too. Doesn't make it DoTP.
was never pervasive
and the state cracked down on it years ago.
was never pervasive
It was a private tech industry thing, occurring within the relevant special economic zones. The same NATOpedia entry you posted:
and the state cracked down on it years ago.
Again, the same NATOpedia entry you posted.
So you admit it is capitalist?
Are you twelve? Jfc.
It's obvious you're skimming a comment for gotchas, so I find it just as likely you've skimmed excerpts of Marx rather than take on the rather arduous task of reading and understanding him, let alone fucking applying any of it
Infantile disorder moment.
Unfortunate that lemmy is such awful software it doesn't syndicate my changes I made months ago. I do not support Ukraine anymore, and have not for a long time.
That’s good to hear.