what advice was great when you first heard it, but has aged like milk since then?
what advice was great when you first heard it, but has aged like milk since then?
what advice was great when you first heard it, but has aged like milk since then?
Produce milk then, I'll wait.
others already do that. no need for me to undertaking such an endeavor. the problem is that we don't have a method to reduce demand. you haven't even produced a method to measure demand.
You have changed the argument from: demand decreasing does not reduce supply. To: we can't reduce demand. Do you see the flaws in your argument yet?
you haven't provided a method to test your hypothesis.
demand decreasing doesn't cause a reduced supply.
one easy way to gauge demand would be price.
the price of Faberge eggs varies, but even when it increases, indicating an increase in demand, no more are produced. and by contrast upon a price decrease, no causal mechanism reduces the supply. qed.
I'm not constructing an argument
I'm deconstructing one.
I anyone can see exactly what happened in this thread, and if you're disinterested, you needn't reply.