Free your mind, start over. You'll be amazed how muxh things you'd think is essential is actually not. Averagely speaking maybe 5 account mail changes and you should be gokd
My friend, I have to butt in here. Last year I switched from Gmail to Proton, and I have like 130 accounts I had to recreate or switch over. And I still have tons left on Gmail (100+, though many of which are effectively abandoned) so I'm ending up having to use both. Some things don't let me change emails and it's a ton of work to recreate them. Like some of my financial accounts or Google and its products, whose ecosystem I am still relatively entrenched in. (Slowly working on getting out of that mud but with a family who is also entrenched, it's not that easy.) And many more services than those 2 types as well.
I would have loved to just have 5 accounts to chanfe and nothing else.
The reason I use Proton is to have a unique email for every account that cannot be used to find my original email address, and that I can delete at a moments notice if said email somehow gets on a spam list. Nobody except me knows my main account email. The + method does nothing for me.