Which CEOs are actually worth keeping around?
Which CEOs are actually worth keeping around?
Which CEOs are actually worth keeping around?
GabeN has been pretty cool.
Gabe has 6 yachts worth about $1 billion dollars. Not very cool at all, imho.
He didn't kill anyone by denying them insurance or anything like that tho. Just took a commission on every game sold on Steam, a platform nobody's forced to use.
And by running a casino that rakes in millions of dollars off kids. I can appreciate the positives he's done with Steam, but I'm not about to ignore the negatives.
Yeah, he's getting kids to play at a virtual casino that has absolutely no chance of returning and financial winnings, but he's not taking millions of dollars off of kids. Considering those kids have the ability to own a gaming computer, I'm assuming the vast majority of that money comes from their parents. I don't condone the kids gambling, but he's not taking hard-earned money from kids that are in need and leaving them broke.
Can you explain? What cassino? Is it like a game with micro transactions or something?
Loot boxes are effectively gambling as there is no guarantee on what you'll get. People in general can get addicted to the rush of getting that rare item the first time (which is usually what happens with a first open to get you hooked) and then either buy more loot boxes or the keys to open them.
Tbf knowing valve and looking at how their loot boxes work I don't think they were malicious in their creation
Reminder that valves loot boxes interact with the community market, you can open a lot of boxes without spending a dime
Oh, I'm not shitting on Valve or anything. Just explaining how they could be called a casino.
Yeah this is something that everyone always seems to forget about this. If you get a lootbox in, say, Overwatch or Fortnite then you will pay out a fiver to open it or else it will never be opened. End of story, Blizz/Epic want their key money. *
You can open an infinite amount of Counter-Strike crates for free forever, by interacting with community marketplace. Unopened crates can be sold to other players. Steam Cards can be sold to other players. Good skins that you pull from your crates can be sold to other players sometimes at absurd prices that can finance another 200 crates. All without ever spending a dime of real money. Sure, Steam Cards and unopened crates may only sell for 5c apiece, but you get a steady stream of them for free just for playing the game, and that stream doesn't dry up. It is perfectly feasible, if a little slow, to flip those into crate keys to loot your boxes.
And THAT'S the difference that makes me take notice. Sure, they still want you to shell out five bucks for crate keys, but an alternative path has been provided. And Steam makes money on marketplace transactions too, so they aren't about to get rid of that option.
I figure it should be noted here, that these are outdated. I went to double check myself as I remember this from Overwatch 1 and it would seem that neither OW2 nor Fortnite still use loot crates of that style. So to be honest I actually can't think of any games that are still up and running that still use keys & crates in this way. The gamer outrage might have actually gotten us somewhere for once.
I sold all my hats and bought an Index. I’m so happy they can be resold.
Being a bit greedy =/= Killing millions of people through death panels
Huge difference
Nobody becomes a billionaire by being "a bit greedy"
One billion dollars is an insane amount of money.
Reminder, 1 billion dollars is:
Billionaires have all that money even after their expenses. It's their "savings account", but their savings account makes much more interest than ours because they are actually invested in the market. If they need money beyond their regular pay, they use their investments as collateral for loans with interest rates lower than investment returns. They're making money even if they are spending it.
Wealth is not money.
Point being?
They do in any advanced economy...
But steam don't tax plebs like housing, health, and education does
A billion dollars is never "a bit greedy". It is always a failure of the system to regulated exorbitant wealth through effective taxation and fair market economic policy.
When did I compare those two things as being equally as bad? What the hell is with this black and white stance in my replies, absolutely wild to see people defending a man owning 1 billion dollars in yachts.
Isn't the Steam business model to charge less than everyone else though?
That seems like the exact opposite of greedy.
30%, same as apple, gog and... Well epic takes less then 15, microsoft takes even less, itch also takes less (unclear to me if 10% or set your own).
Anyway steam is only good for game makers because it is steam. Financially that is, because it is the biggest.
Edit: Itch default is 10%, but you can set it to 0% or even up to 100% if you want.
Well epic takes less then 15
But forces you to stick with the Epic platform for a year; bad for gamers, IMO.
Which is why I don't use Epic. GoG and Steam all the way, baybee!
Im a huge steam fan.
I am not a fan of someone who can own multiple yachts.
Sorry GabeN.
Still seems like a nice guy. 🫡
This but with GabeN
Hawk's response 😆👌