something about this seems kind of fucky. the time to do this was years ago. what is brandon's calculation? that russia won't do shit because their bitch is taking over? or is he finally convinced, somehow, that russia could never do shit in the first place?
it smacks of desperation. but whatever damages russia can only be seen as a boon for humanity. i think brandon may be trying to salvage some positive glimmer in what is otherwise his historic failure of a presidency.
Opine if that besoothes you, but Russia's benchmark rate is >20%, their inflation is equally bonkers, and they're now leaning on North Korean troops. There is definitely desperation in this war
Historic failure? I think domestically he has been an excellent President. Probably better than Obama. We got really lucky or he did a good job with inflation and the soft landing.
We had much lower inflation than most nations. Gaza left a nasty stain, but that was a small part of what he did as President.
but whatever damages russia can only be seen as a boon for humanity.
Yes, I too get $1 trickled down everytime Russia loses $1. My life is invested in the high oil prices since the war started, and I hope more services are cut so that more can be spent to diminish Russia. I'm sure the US will win a nuclear war too, so everything will be worth it. Saying this, helps make sure I get a spot in the VIP nuclear bunkers when the Fallout Boy reality will surely just get us to support the rulership of those who destroyed the US.