This calls for air guitar
This calls for air guitar
This calls for air guitar
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Honestly if they're a good student and otherwise aren't a troublemaker, I didn't see nothing.
Until they turn 18, then pass that shit son.
Unfortunately cannabis use does impact a developing brain so its best to wait as long as possible, ideally 25, but that's not realistic.
You make a good point, but I would much rather have them doing that than drinking. That harms a developing brain and has a bunch of other shitty side effects.
Oh no argument there. Cannabis over nicotine too.
I started at age 20, but apparently that's a rarity. Everyone else I know started in high school.
No one's getting out of here intact and alive.
Don't run in front of any buses, but when hit with a statement of overcaution, I usually blurt out "you're right, we should all sit in the corner of an empty padded room, eat saltines, and wait patiently for a safe death."
Beyond the point of being a good student, excess intellect at this stage of civilization is more curse than blessing.
Ah yes
A strawman
A strawman
I think this one might be made of tightly bound dried hemp. 🤔
How is it a strawman? Even the person I replied to said it isn't realistic to follow the letter of the overcaution.
it's not realistic to not smoke weed until later in life?
It's not realistic or even reasonable to avoid all pleasurable activities that come with risks, which weed falls under, until an entire third of your life is over, no.
We let people under 25 play contact sports, drink alcohol, and consume large quantities of sugar, all indulgences potentially more detrimental to the body than Marijuana.
Look at all the research on contact sports and the massive risks they bring, it's weird to me those are still legal for kids.
Ah, so we allow lots of other detrimental and dangerous things, so we shouldn't be so persnickety about this either. That's what you're saying. We should overindulge, not be overcautious.
Mayhaps if people were less of a bitch about it, it would be realistic and reasonable.
Yeah. It's carved to be vilified, which is hypocritical not just because there are other equivalent harms we allow young people to pursue for pleasure, there are several considerably more harmful harms we allow young people to pursue for pleasure.
All because an old newspaper magnate's paper pulp business interests were threatened by hemp and it became tradition.
You can cause severe brain damage and kill people with alcohol, tobacco, and concussions. The studies I've seen about Marijuana in teens handwring over <5 IQ points with chronic use.
It's inconsistent to the extreme.
My intent was not to vilify weed. In fact, if I hadn't found it before 25 I probably wouldn't have even made it to 25. If you know what I mean.
I understand intimately, my friend!
Cumulative head injuries will harm a brain far worse than cannabis.
It can be, but it's not realistic to expect everyone will. Especially 'til 25. Of course some people never try it. But someone who's interested isn't likely to wait that long.
Well, I ran in front of a bus and I'm still alive, so running in front of buses can't be that dangerous, hey? Don't be so overcautious!
Everything in life has risks and you have to weigh the potential risk vs. the potential benefit. Granted, if smoking weed is the most dangerous thing that you do as a child, you'll be very lucky.
Beyond the point of being a good student, excess intellect at this stage of civilization is more curse than blessing.
Considering how many people are still ignoring the climate crisis, we need every bit of intelligence we can get. It's the only thing that will determine whether or not we survive as a species.
Just spreading knowledge. Not everyone lives somewhere where it's legal and that info is printed on the package. I didn't hold out til 25 but I am glad I waited longer than many of my friends did.
And I'm not sure it's impacting intellect or more emotional regulation type stuff. Either way, I'm not saying it's even possible to stop your teen from trying it if they want to, but I'd rather they be informed.