Are there any animes or TV shows you can't stop recommending?
Are there any animes or TV shows you can't stop recommending?
Are there any animes or TV shows you can't stop recommending?
Are there any animes or TV shows you can't stop recommending?
Are there any animes or TV shows you can't stop recommending?
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My Deer Friend is amazing.
Which reminds me that there's probably a new episode out right now. 😃
I also would always recommend the staples in anime:
Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Dragonball, DBZ, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rouroni Kenshin, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, and Ninja Scroll.
For sure! I'm sure I've missed a bunch more that I would put in that list, too.
I should have read your comment before I replied lmao. Everybody go watch Samurai Champloo
Holy hell you killed it on the anime suggestions. May I suggest Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood over the original?
Also, have you watched Samurai Champloo? That and Baki (all of them) are the only others I can think of off the top of my head
Edit: Oshi No Ko
Personally, I liked the original more. I just think it did the darker elements of the story way better. Brotherhood had a totally different focus, but I do appreciate it having an actual conclusion unlike the original.
To put it another way: the original makes me cry at some parts; Brotherhood never did.
I agree, but I see the other side as well.
Brotherhood took away too much of the darkness, but FMA wandered around a lot in the middle and got lost.
That's fair, and we are both entitled to our opinions of course. Neither is wrong. I'll have to give the original a shot again, but it just didn't connect with me the same way. I cried during Brotherhood I'm pretty sure (I know for a fact I definitely would now)