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  • The people telling you communism goes against human nature also tell you it's human nature for a nation to slaughter people for land. Just normal human nature shit.

    Jesus what a fucking terrible argument. I'm sure the native americans were just happy white people weren't killing other white people. "At least it's intentional," they thought as they were being driven from their land.

    • Every time I hear someone try to claim things are human nature (greed, cruelty, selfishness, etc) I just interpret it as a confession of that person having those traits and an attempt to project that unto the rest of society to feel better about it.

      • One thing I like to do to really leave the libs shooketh to deconstruct that argument of "But greed will always be a part of humanity!!" is by telling them that if we look over history, murder has always been a feature of humanity.

        But do we award the murderers with the most money, political power, and prestige in society? (I know exactly where your mind goes to when I say this but stick with me for a minute and remember that this is when I'm talking on the role of Lib Whisperer.) Or as a society do we actively take steps to mitigate the murderous impulses of humanity by disincentivising it, condemning it, and punishing those who commit murder?

        Why then would you do something different with a negative and destructive impulse like greed? Why would you reward it, encourage it, and give the most political power and the most prestige to the greediest people in society?

        Who would want to live in that sort of world?

        If they object to this notion because they are suffering from a deficit of imagination, you can point to the potlatch ceremony, in which certain societies would give the most prestige in their communities to the people who gave the most to the community in these ceremonies, where people would sometimes even effectively bankrupt themselves in the pursuit of prestige within their communities.

        I usually tell a person like that they should stop making pronouncements about all of humanity because they've clearly never stepped outside their comfortable little bubble long enough to realise that, shockingly, different societies do things differently and whatever they say about humanity is just a reflection of their own narrow cultural biases.

        • But do we award the murderers with the most money, political power, and prestige in society?

          But murder is bad, with greed I'm just exercising my natural right to private property

          • i remember when i was studying my LLB my lecturer used the fucking tragedy of the commons in like the second semester to justify private property rights