Discussion thread - 1st October
Discussion thread - 1st October
Discussion thread - 1st October
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Oh good she’s back to being an advocate for breast cancer awareness after forgetting for months when she said she’d remind her followers every month to check their breasts 🙄🙄
And she has an appointment with an Endocrinologist today, can’t wait to see what new illness she starts pushing and to use as an excuse!!!
Prob for a diagnosis so she can have an excuse to use Ozempic lol. Go Birdshit go! Enjoy! Anything to be thin girl lol
My first thought! My endo was the first to prescribe me Ozempic over 2 years ago. I hadn't even heard of it. I went in for potential PCOS and left with a diagnosis of weight loss. Everything she does is a ruse and calculated. She didnt drop that Ozempic episode for nothing.
Right. She's dense. I'm thin, never had a weight problem but I don't understand the need and want to be super skinny. I have always wished I had more curves, especially a booty lol Skinny doesn't look good.
As a curvy girl the thought has crossed my mind SOOOO many times to try ozempic. I have PCOS and it makes losing weight a bit harder. But those side affects and down the road problems scare me… it shouldn’t be used as a quick fix. Sarah just can’t handle not being skinny and really needs to dig down and heal that part of her instead of pretending.
S is always looking for a quick fix, without ever addressing the real issues she has. First, she had unhealthy eating habits and blamed having kids. Then she had an ED to get skinny. When she couldn't continue that way after getting pregnant, she "accepted" her body, but obsessively uses filters. Now she's seemingly going to use some excuse to be on O. She will then face health issues down the road for being on it, when she really doesn't have to be, health wise. Clearly there's a mental illness attached to all of these personas she phases through and THAT's what needs to be taken care of. It's like when people get gastric sleeves for being overweight, but never addressing the issues of the addiction of eating and why they do it. Then, the surgery fails because they continue to overeat. If you want anything to work like this, you have to search deeper, than just that quick vanity fix
After seeing what Ozempic did to Sharon Osbourne...lol...id never
Well said xoxo
Such a good point!
Also, why would she even want to use Ozempic. Clearly losing weight isn't hard for her. She's doing it so easily, right? Fuck I can't even with her fake extension, Botox face personality. Ewwwww
Super easy. She doesn’t even have to try. Always traveling and eating at restaurants, getting takeout. Now she’s adding high calorie creamer to her Coke. No problem for her. All the stress in her life helps her lose weight. Remind me again, What’s so stressful about her life?
Being a fraud and having to keep up a fake persona every day has gotta be stressful, but that’s of her own choosing. She has nothing else stressful in her life. All she does is go shopping every day to chase her newest high and get free things handed to her. Doesn’t go to a job, rarely watches her kids, doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean. Wow stressful.
You’re so right! She’s also probably worried about what personality to adopt next!
I wonder how bestie Alicia is going to feel im sure she will be so supportive of it
Maybe they can discuss when Leaky’s on her Canada “tour” 🤣 Birdie can be her special guest
What a sad sack convention that's gonna be. You can't be very healthy, especially mentally, if you look up to Alicia "abuse my body and mind and call it confidence" enough to pay to hear her lead you even further astray.