Project for people leaving Google Maps.
Project for people leaving Google Maps.
Project for people leaving Google Maps.
Openstreetmaps has 8.75% of the contributors Google Maps has.
Organic Maps has 1% the user base Google Maps has.
The difficulty is asking people to get started with this. People want to get to work/navigate as quickly as possible to where they need to be, they don't want to be figuring it out. Social media can be janky and you'll be patient, but if you're late for something because you're struggling to adjust to an app you're more likely to go back to Google/Apple Maps
Agreed! I got one for that too:
Lemmy vs Reddit
Monthly Users (0.004%) 44k vs 1.2b
1 billion users on reddit is not realistic
With 700 million bots conducting marketing and psychological warfare ops it is!
I mean in visitors.
And its still better :)
So we work harder
I just did 30 minutes of contributing to the osm database.
So? Every platform starts at 0%.
I think the point is 8× more contributions
This is very ironic coming from someone using Lemmy.
I'm confused. Say more? Whats ironic?
Lemmy is getting most of its contributions from people that migrated from Reddit. Reddit had (and has) tons of more content people still came here looking for a better alternative.
Hopefully you can now see the similarity.
I see the similarity, what do you mean by irony though?
I was pointing out that though the numbers are small (your point) OP was saying Organic maps had 8x contributors, so Im just confused how thats ironic... when the point is that open source users contribute more than non-open source users?
Its good to know how you measure up against the big corpos.
internet explorer, yahoo mail, myspace, icq... things change. unfortunately it's mostly due to a huge company having the resources to promote their product to convince people to migrate but still. people can leave old giants.
Yeah, and Wikipedia, linux,... have become important as well, without big corpo
Proton is 5.5% the size of G-mail. 100m vs 1.8b.
i think proton is getting shittified as well but you should make a post listing all these alternatives for different services, rather than peppering them in the comments.
Proton isn't getting worse arguably though the current services need more work like the calendar.
Openstreetmap is better than Google where I live (Anatolian side of İstanbul).
Take a definition of ACTIVE contributors, because both projects have a lot of inactive contributors that only registered and didn't do anything but just one update and left, if any.
Google is known for dropping projects that they can't monetize enough. Maps' been around for a while, but it can always just disappear for public use. Or decide that you need a Google account too use it and that's a privacy nightmare. We need alternatives, but in this case, we need free and open source alternatives. We can't put all the eggs in the same basket.