A rainbow, representing all queer sexual identities and romantic identities, refracts through the Transgender Flag, symbolizing the interconnections of gender, sexuality, and romanticality, how gender identity can shape sexual and romantic identities.
Brown and black stripes, representing black, indigenous, (and) people of color (BIPOC), extend from the inner part of the refracted rainbow, wrapping around the Intersex Flag, which "symbolizes the right to be who and how we want to be" in the fight "for bodily autonomy and genital integrity" of all intersex people (Morgan Carpenter).[23][24][25]
In some versions of The Queer Symmetry Flag, the Transgender Flag peeks through the area containing the Intersex Flag, symbolizing the interconnections between intersex identity and gender identity, how intersex people can identify as trans-feminine, trans-masculine, non-binary, or something else entirely.
The Queer Symmetry Flag exists in three main variants
classic style, triangular design
alternative style, a unique new hexagonal design
heart style, a unique new heart-shaped alternative design
There are a few versions of each style, including a simplified version in which the Intersex Flag fills the area containing it.
uh, idk, you could just as well use the Intersex Inclusive Progress Pride Flag and make the rainbow symmetric... to me it doesnt look like a "queer symmetry flag" but maybe a neat intersex inclusive trans flag