Instead of movies and crappy games on those in-flight displays, they should just stream the view out the cockpit window.
Like, I'm on a plane. I don't want to watch Toy Story when I can do that at home, I want to see what the pilots see. And that way every seat has technically a window to look out of.
I just want to sleep and get it over with. Flying has become hellish for me . Everything sucks. The cost, the lineups, the hassle of security, the delays, the price of a bottle of water, the horrible service, the discomfort...
BUT YOU'RE FLYING! You are sitting in a chair. In the air!!! You're like a Greek god right now.... YOU ARE FLYING!!
I swear the Wright brothers would kick us all in the cunt right now if they knew...
"Hey Orville, they're gonna make us wait on the runway a bit."
"O shit, it hardly seems worth it then."