thank you Cenk, very cool!
thank you Cenk, very cool!
everything the TV man says must be entertained. it is all well-founded and based on real things that are happening! we must listen and learn to both sides of the aisle
thank you Cenk, very cool!
everything the TV man says must be entertained. it is all well-founded and based on real things that are happening! we must listen and learn to both sides of the aisle
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Remember when TYT was somewhat progressive? Now it's just pandering to chuds.
I don't even understand who their audience is anymore, I can't imagine a full on chud watching TYT but I also can't really imagine libs watching it
I can't imagine a full on chud watching TYT
I actually do know chuds who watch TYT, and it's how they form their perception of "the left"
It's funny to see Dave Rubin first split off with his own chud show, then Jimmy Dore, and now TYT as a whole is going chud.
I don’t think they’re going to make the full pivot to chud content. They’ll just end up like Bill Maher and continue to be anti-Republican while agreeing with them on nearly everything. Blue MAGA.
Dore is openly chud now?
I don't follow him closely, but my impression that he's a "crunchy granola QAnon" type at this point
He's a contrarian dumbass without any sound ideological foundation that sticks his finger in the wind to find an angle on the latest outrage cycle to get the most clicks from the reactionary audience he's cultivated. Initially he was an anti-Clinton Bernie guy that had some good impulses but was always the kind of dumbass that was sympathetic to Tulsi Gabbard and supported the Lava Jato stitch up in Brazil while knowing nothing about it. I don't watch him and haven't heard about him in years but I'd imagine he was an RFK Jr dipshit this year.
Check out the latest knowledge fight (#958) about it but yeah he has fully gone off. This is about his show on rumble where he had alex jones on as a guests
My boss is a bluemaga TYT watcher, literally the only person I know of who fits the description.
needs to be preserved in a museum before TYT watchers go extinct. recommend embalming him
My gut says non-white CHUDs. Fox is a little too hateful to brown people, so there's a niche there.
This is what happens when you attach yourself to the democratic party - you start following it's course