Nate Silver predicted Trump has a 64% chance of winning the Electoral College on Sunday in an update to his latest election forecast, following the results of new poll.
It is a focus on order beyond the individual and the social group; we call it realism, and it tends to favor historically-proven results and a case-by-case basis instead of ideological categorical containers.
About ten thousand people in North America can successfully parse that sentence.
Fascists are hybrids. Fascism is corporatism, i.e. state control through corporations.
What does my profile say?
"Furthest Right: raging realism plus transcendental reverence. I write at and about topics such as nihilism, ecofascism, paganism, eugenics, capitalism, perennialism, conservatism, natural selection, and of course death metal."
Ecofascism is a separate movement. You read your Linkola and Kaczynski?
Conservatism also borrows from the leftist rhetoric and action though, so that's not a solid distinction.
They're both counterrevolutionary in nature; I don't see the distinction that you do. It appears that they are possibly different in degree instead of kind. This is the "ends" that I refer to: opposition to the liberal revolutions since the 18th century.
On the contrary, conservatives were always here. We just had to take a name after Leftism so people did not think we supported the "new way."
I don't think conservatives and fascists make natural allies. Conservatives and conservatives make natural allies. You cannot trust the radical big state people.
But conservatives want a big state too, they just claim otherwise. Look how they push rhetoric like "back the blue," are for abortion restrictions, and want to fund the military above and beyond what it even asks for. Their policies push a soft ethno-state, as far as they think they can get away with.