If employees start ignoring their boss’s calls, texts, and emails outside of work hours, an after-hours emergency might have to wait until the next business day, which O’Leary finds unacceptable.
Did this fucking fascist consider hiring more staff and going 24/7? How is it the problem of salaried workers that their boss is too fucking cheap to hire enough people to get the level of support that he wants?
If your service needs to operate 24/7, then it needs to be staffed 24/7. If it doesn’t need to operate 24/7, then staff will resolve the issue during normal work hours. Most businesses have IT teams stagger their start time so that someone comes in early and can deal with issues that may have risen the night before and prior to other employees arriving.
And all these laws have carveouts for emergencies. Although I have a feeling Mr O'Leary would probably count having to do a presentation on Monday morning for some guy he met golfing over the weekend an emergency.