I'm looking for a self-hosted GitHub alternative that I can just plop into Portainer as a docker-compose and get working.
My main interest is in something that sort of works with GitHub - if there's a way I can pull repos from GitHub into this self-hosted git using a webUI and maybe even push my changes to repos on GitHub, that would be nice. I'm not hard-and-fast on this though as this is mostly an experiment right now and I don't know why I need this.
What are you folks using to host your super secret local code and why?
What? Gitea. Gitlab is a complete devops platform. Awesome, but complete overkill.
Why? Because I regularly commit code atrocities and have a hard enough time dealing with imposter syndrome, I don't need to add public shaming on top of it
(And just data sovereignty I guess)
I'm sure I've committed many code crimes. But the one that should send someone to jail that I've personally seen was when I found an eval in production code that was actively being exploited. Put up a PR to fix it and was given a very hush hush meeting that it was there intentionally to fix production data issues secretly because the bureaucracy made it hard to do lol. I just kept my mouth shut and eventually used it once myself.