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Bulletins and News Discussion from August 19th to August 25th, 2024 - Our Mountains, Our Treasures - Child of the Week: Hassan LargePenis

Image is a snapshot taken from the recent Hezbollah video "Our Mountains, Our Treasures", showcasing their extensive underground fortifications, supply lines, and weaponry.

iran can't keep doing this to me, they've gotta respond soon, right? I'm gonna run out of analysis about countries soon, oh god

The COTW (Child of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific child every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied children. If you've wanted to talk about the child or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any child.

The Child of the Week is Hassan LargePenis! He is chad-and-cuck rater and general commenter's son, born over a month ago. recommended I have him as the COTW for a week and I finally got around to it.

Please check out the HexAtlas!

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  • Seeing Ana Navarro crying at the DNC about “Communist” Nicaragua while her father is a Contra made me almost vomit. She couldn’t help herself from smearing the Castros either while her father probably burned schools and murdered nuns. She even compared them to Trump.

    I did some research out of curiosity and she’s also negatively covered Venezuela and Lula in Brazil. But nothing on Bukele or Milei. She only had negative things to say about Bolsonaro because of his friendliness with Trump. Nothing on his policies unrelated to Trump.

    Fuck gusanos.

    • my least favourite part of it (as an online spectator) is having to do the same thing over and over again in regards to Latin American elections in which the left candidate wins. there's inevitably a big round of "my country yearns for freedom" with libs boosting it, and even some gullible/unprincipled leftists get caught up in it and go reactionary over it as we recently saw with BadEmpanada (though he's always been kind of a lib), and then after a few days of media focus the protestors magically evaporate into the aether and so does the press coverage.

      and the worst part is that Latin America will likely be the last continent that the American frontier passes back through as the empire declines so we could still be doing this for decades to come

      • The problem is that Central America is always getting fucked by a great power. The US would have to lose a lot to lose its grip on us and even then there’s always Mexico willing to exert more influence on us.

    • But nothing on Bukele or Milei.

      Of course she is not going to say anything bad about the US puppet, Javier Milei. I think there opinion on Bukele will change really soon with him basically having better relations with China than with the US. Didn't Trump say that Bukele was the same as Maduro? That every Latin American country is sending murderers to the US, so that's why some cities in Latin America have lower crime rates than US cities?