What book that hasn't been adapted into a TV show or movie do you think deserves an adaptation?
What book that hasn't been adapted into a TV show or movie do you think deserves an adaptation?
What book that hasn't been adapted into a TV show or movie do you think deserves an adaptation?
Blood Meridian (decades of false starts not withstanding).
What's your ideal cast lineup? I want this live action so bad but it would have to be a mini series to get all of it in, and then can never think of anyone who could bring the Judge to life.
Stellan Skarsgård as Judge would be terrifying. Not sure a out accent.
if he had the body of a WWE wrestler like The Big Show. The Judge is suppose to be a monster of a man, 6'7 and 270, with no hair and a baby like face
The Kiefer Sutherland from The Young Guns era as the Kid
One of my faves. I've never understood why people say it's impossible to adapt.
Because a huge chunk of the story is wandering the gorgeous, but empty desert with a bunch of psycho killers. Occasionally that group commits grisly large scale harvesting of passable scalps to sell off to bigger towns with a scalp trade. Sometimes one of them, usually the judge, will commit a little extra horrific crime against humanity as a treat for themselves. The "good guy" isn't exactly someone to root for either. It's a story with muddy, dark morals and an ending that'll bum out a lot of folks. No happy days here.
I loved the story and would watch a well done movie about it. I highly doubt that'll happen. To do it right is to include almost all of the horror of what these people are, which would be a lot of money on effects that will anger a ton of people due to what they portray. It's not that it's unadaptable. It's that it would be a slow burn movie with brief, hyper violent hollowing out of small villages including baby smashing. It's slow, mean, and ends in a way that'll have you stare off into space feeling a little bad about the nature of humanity. Not a very profitable idea for a movie.