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While I think it's extremely overhyped, looking at some "AI" art communities it's clear that at least some put a lot of effort on it, going over many many iterations and tweaking the program and the results.
And anyway art is "made" by the observer, not the artist, even the results of natural processes can be art.
(AI in quotes because these tools don't deserve the name, at best High Coherence Media Transformers)
We sure do not have the same definition of art!
Art does not, in my opinion, need an observer to be art.
If you think the sky is beautiful then that does not make it art, or everything would be art so nothing would be art.
everything would be art so nothing would be art
A lot of artists share that thought
That everything is art ? Or that everything can be art?
If everything is art, AI art is art, and that's obviously a disgusting communist lie. Where's the line?
I like to think that anything that CAN be art, if it can be meaningful for someone.
A pebble might be ignored by most people, but a geologist might be fascinated by it, I think that becomes art.
Even in something worked-on at the very least the artist is the observer, and they will put into it the meaning they perceive in it, and if they never share with anyone it's still art.
My opinion.
Every opinion is valid when it comes to art!
Personally I just think the creative process is a part of it so I don't see randomness being art.
That doesn't mean it's not beautiful! Beauty can be found everywhere and definitely is in the eye of the observer... IMO!