OpenAI finally admitted they're crawling the web to profit off of GPT. Block it from your sites using robots.txt.
OpenAI finally admitted they're crawling the web to profit off of GPT. Block it from your sites using robots.txt.
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Charitable of you to believe they'd listen to robots.txt.
52 0 ReplyI just hide the N word, long R word very well several dozen times throughout my site so they have to manually blacklist it.
18 0 ReplyStupid question: where is the difference between the long r word and the r word?
4 0 ReplyI'm sure you can guess the long r word, its pretty well "regarded", I honestly don't know what the short r word is, if it even exists. I just said long r to differentiate it from the hard r word.
2 0 ReplyOh okay, thought there was a third r word.
2 0 Reply