What opinions do you have that you consider (shallow && pedantic)?
On accident
I kind of can't take people seriously when they say On accident, I don't know or care if its more or less grammatical, it sounds like a child sputtering in my mind. It should be By accident or accidentally
I hate hearing "didn't do nothing", as in, they did not do anything. I hate it because it's inconsistent.
"Didn't do nothing" would typically be interpreted as "did not do something". However "I did not, in fact, do nothing" might be interpreted as doing something.
Now you have grey zones and misunderstandings where you have no idea what they are talking about because they keep stacking negatives, with different meanings in different contexts.
Historically, double-negatives were considered proper or required in some dialects of English (or what would become English depending upon where one might draw that line). Many other languages require some form of negative agreement in negative sentences.
O! Unsweet tea! There is no such thing as unsweet. Unsweet implies that the sugar has been removed from the tea as in it was sweetened at some point then through some mechanical process the sweetener was removed.