Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
Some people still care about privacy, fight against the cashless society!
All I can say to you at this point is please take more boosters.
Yes boss! I queue up every day at a different pharmacy to get a new booster. I'm on number 478 at this point because a few days I managed two or more!
The only side effect is that I can now do a rectal prolapse at will and frankly looking at it, it reminds me of you 😘
Great, boosters are the only way to go for you. Very safe and so effective.
As long as I'm paying in cash for the boosters, right? 😉
Would be super neat if your communist overlords took some pity and gave you a voucher.
Gonna ask them to specifically pay for it with your taxes 💉 ☺
Good luck, not sure how many injections you can get for zero.