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  • Ok but the context is that your blahaj's mod team is really pathetic, they let disgusting transphobic chasers make dehumanizing comments without repercussions, let instances of ableist language go unpunished (one of the mods apparently is an ableist piece of shit), and are fine with racist white supremacist comments. This creates a really awful environment for the userbase, I'm sure you'd agree.

    In response to this, you bascially silence the criticism ("Shut up tankie") because "muh tankies" are the ones who are pointing this out.

    In effect, such a statement is apologia for the mod team's allowance of bigotry (ableism, racism and transphobia) using whataboutery.

    I acknowledge the awful struggles that trans people have to go through in this shithole capitalist world, and thus see it as imperative that bigotry is not tolerated so that at least there is some relief from such barbarism in the cyber realm.

    Especially considering you're advocating for regimes that were/are terrible to queer people and/or disabled people.

    Sorry thats wrong, I hate NATO m8.

    • I'm not having a genocide denier lecture me on what is and isn't bigoted

      • What's your opinion on the US-enabled genocide in Yemen?

        • I absolutely oppose it, fuck that.

          • What's your opinion on the US-led genocide in Indonesia?

            • I oppose it, obviously. I oppose all forms genocide.

              • Yet you spread the propaganda of the world's biggest genocidal empire, curious!

                If you oppose all form of genocide, deprivation included, then you must have some conflicting opinions about the west's deliberate hoarding of covid vaccines from poorer countries in the early pandemic, given that at the same time, the PRC and Russian Federation were shipping their vaccines all over Africa.

                Or, hell, why even go abroad. You must have some conflicting opinions on America's ongoing genocide against First Nations people, the largest in known history.

                To say nothing of our nightmarish concentration camps along the southern border. Did you know that Anne Frank wasn't killed in an extermination camp, as most of us tend to assume? She died of Typhus, one of 17,000 killed by an outbreak in a transit camp, or a "temporary migrant overflow facility" as blue MAGA like to call them. There have already been deaths from disease outbreak in our camps. We have already made who knows how many Anne Franks, except this time fewer people give a shit because they're not white.

                This country has exported fascism all over the world as a way to keep profits high and break worker resistance. That's what fascism is, it's s capitalist economy's immune response to both falling profits and the spooky threat

                of socialism. It's capitalism at low health, entering stage 2 of the boss fight. That's why Germany went fascist after losing it's colonies in WW1: the German bourgeoisie that had relied on an exploited frontier now had to make up the loss by cannibalizing the labor and resources of the imperial core, until they could open up a new frontier (lebensraum). What followed was a period of intense fascist crackdowns on both antifascist organizing and labor oganizing. "First, they came for the Communists. Then they came for the Socialists. Then they came for the trade union organizers." From this period we get the term "privatization", the selling off of public goods and services to private capital.

                The reason I'm telling you all this is to explain that as the former capitalist world ruler, and as the genocidal empire whose playbook the nazis just copied completely, the US has it's tentacles in more frontiers, it's fingers in more dictatorial pies, than any empire in history. A more extensive spy network, a world-bestriding military presence, and an unimaginably vast propaganda machine. A nuclear first-strike policy shared by nobody else, and a history of vaporizing cities full of innocent people shared by nobody else. America, "my" country, is an unparalleled threat to the continuation of life on Earth, and must be stopped.

      • ok but you can look at the ableism, racism, and transphobic comments on this instance and come to this conclusion as well without our input, many users of aren't happy with their mod team's bigotry apologia too

        also please dont call me a genocide denier, I hate NATO and dont support its existence

        • I never said I supported anything distasteful the mod team did. I disapprove of their actions but they are the lesser evil here.

          also please dont call me a genocide denier

          So we can agree the Holodomor happened and the Ugyhur Genocide is still happening?

          • but they are the lesser evil here

            so transphobes, chasers, white supremacists, and ableists are the lesser evil compared to who exactly?

            the Holodomor

            The great Ukranian famine happened but it wasn't a deliberate genocide against the Ukranian people, it was a fuckup of the state, it is Nazi apologia to use the term "Holodomor" and equivocate a lethal administrative failure to a deliberate, explicit state effort to destroy the Jewish people.

            Ugyhur Genocide is still happening

            Again, despite the fact that there is no denying there have been numerous human rights violations in Xinjiang, the scale and intentionality have been demonstrably overblown by murdoch media, the american state department, and Adrian Zenz (right wing christian anticommunist nutjob) because they want to manufacture consent to fuck up the region even more so they can get Xinjiang's oil.

            • The great Ukranian famine happened but it wasn't a deliberate genocide against the Ukranian people, it was a fuckup of the state, it is Nazi apologia to use the term "Holodomor" and equivocate a lethal administrative failure to a deliberate, explicit state effort to destroy the Jewish people.

              It also is soft famine denialism because it prioritises the Ukrainian famine victims and it completely whitewashes the other famine victims across the region including the territories of Povolzhe, Central Black Earth Region, Northern Caucasus, Ural, Crimea, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus where millions are estimated to have died.

              (It's a bit like how discourse on Nazi concentration camps tends to completely overlook the imprisonment and extermination of queer people, socialists, Sinti and Roma people, Jehovah's Witnesses, Polish people, Czechs and Belorussians.)

              On them matter of the famine, here's celebrated economist Keynes speaking about the state of Soviet agriculture in his 1919 book, The Economic Consequences of the Peace, where he writes about his findings as the British delegate to the Treaty of Versailles:

              the soil of Europe will not yet have recovered its former productivity. If trade is not resumed with Russia, wheat in 1920-21 (unless the seasons are specially bountiful) must be scarce and very dear. The blockade of Russia, lately proclaimed by the Allies, is therefore a foolish and short-sighted proceeding; we are blockading not so much Russia as ourselves.

              The process of reviving the Russian export trade is bound in any case to be a slow one. The present productivity of the Russian peasant is not believed to be sufficient to yield an exportable surplus on the pre-war scale. The reasons for this are obviously many, but amongst them are included the insufficiency of agricultural implements and accessories and the absence of incentive to production caused by the lack of commodities in the towns which the peasants can purchase in exchange for their produce. Finally, there is the decay of the transport system, which hinders or renders impossible the collection of local surpluses in the big centers of distribution.

              I see no possible means of repairing this loss of productivity within any reasonable period of time except through the agency of German enterprise and organization. It is impossible geographically and for many other reasons for Englishmen, Frenchmen, or Americans to undertake it;—we have neither the incentive nor the means for doing the work on a sufficient scale. Germany, on the other hand, has the experience, the incentive, and to a large extent the materials for furnishing the Russian peasant with the goods of which he has been starved for the past five years, for reorganizing the business of transport and collection, and so for bringing into the world's pool, for the common advantage, the supplies from which we are now so disastrously cut off. It is in our interest to hasten the day when German agents and organizers will be in a position to set in train in every Russian village the impulses of ordinary economic motive. This is a process quite independent of the governing authority in Russia

              While this is not predicting a famine per se, all of the conditions for a disastrous famine, when considering the effects of the drought which came, are described by Keynes aptly.

            • so transphobes, chasers, white supremacists, and ableists are the lesser evil compared to who exactly?

              The people who support states where queer people were thrown in camps and even killed whenever it was politically convenient

              The great Ukranian famine happened but it wasn't a deliberate genocide against the Ukranian people, it was a fuckup of the state, it is Nazi apologia to use the term "Holodomor" and equivocate a lethal administrative failure to a deliberate, explicit state effort to destroy the Jewish people.

              It was deliberate. And it's not Nazi apologia to acknowledge that a country other than Germany commited genocide, you little shit.

              Again, despite the fact that there is no denying there have been numerous human rights violations in Xinjiang, the scale and intentionality have been demonstrably overblown

              "I worship a state that commits genocides against minority groups but it's NOT THAT BAD I promise bro"

            • Very mature of you

              • Civility went out the fucking window when yall called me a Nazi.

                • I don't think anyone called you a Nazi. A fascist, probably. A Nazi, no.

                  • I honestly don't give a shit to bring up receipts because you are nobody that has any power and don't deserve to be taken any more seriously than this response, but yes I have and you can either investigate where this originates or not. I don't care. I am actually doing work and the only reason I am responding to you is out of amusement over your repeated defense of a transphobic chaser community. Your pick-me attitude is sad really.

                    These people are never going to accept us they use us as shields for their reactionary views.