fixed cyberghost's "meme"
fixed cyberghost's "meme"
fixed cyberghost's "meme"
I've read all three volumes of capital around a month ago because I had an autistic urge to do it
tell me with full seriousness that you've even glanced at it
This is the worst attempt at Sealioning that I have ever seen.
Please tell me with full seriousness how redirecting capital from the capital class to the working class is anything other than socialism.
how redirecting capital from the capital class to the working class is anything other than socialism.
Theres this concept, where the Capitalists are expropriated from and reproletarianized back into the working class whom in turn seize full control of the means of production and abolish the capitalist governments in order to build governments of/by/for the working class. Thats called building Socialism, and to do anything other than working towards the goal of liquidating the enemies of the working class is to do anything other than fighting for socialism.
Taking money from the rich and simply redistributing it a la your "profit sharing" does not solve the fundamental contradiction between the capitalist class and the working class as it does nothing to change the economic structure the two exist in opposition to each other. If nothing else. all you're advocating for is prolonging the existence of Capitalism and fighting against the interests of your own class by advocating for maintaining the cruel system of Capitalism but trying to disguise the worst visages it wears with smiley face emojis
Ok. But you have to agree it's a lot closer to socialism than the status quo.
No lol that's just welfare - something that can be done regardless of what economic system is in place. Now if you want a discussion on a contrastive analysis of the class dynamics of welfare under a Socialist and Capitalist system, that'd be an interesting topic to research into.
I guess in your universe there's no true socialism, eh?
Nope, the Soviet Union was Socialist. All other AES projects are also moving towards becoming socialist as well in their own distinctive manner.
It doesn't change you're a fucking liberal that thinks socialism is when you redistribute wealth without changing the existing economic system.
There are no pure economic systems that currently exist or have ever existed.
I wouldn't expect users from Hexbear to understand nuance.
thats because you're a dipshit idealist with your head up your ass in the clouds fantasizing about make-believe shit and denouncing everything that isn't as ephemeral and pure as a thought. Your entire ideology is that of theatrics that thinks nothing of concrete human beings, not the concrete workers of flesh and blood who are living and struggling in your country - or any country for that matter - but is an ideology devoid of materialist common sense.
You're a liberal phrasemonger - Advocating for things and using phrases are Leftist, but in practice it turns out that they are aiding the enemies of the working class. You talk like you're on the Left but in actuality come out on the Right.
Ok this has been a lot of fun, thanks.
Because they don't own the means of production. Socialism isn't just redirecting capital, it is about eliminating it and the ruling class. Profit sharing is a bandaid on the grand canyon; workers are still exploited by the capital class. Socialism is a completely and total shift so large and threatening to the ruling class that it can only happen through revolution, it's way bigger than sharing profits
But you have to agree it’s a lot closer to socialism than the status quo.
You sure went from "it's socialism 101, you stupid tankie!" to "well it's a marginal improvement on the status quo..." really quickly.
It's actually quite a massive departure from the status quo, really.
K. Doesn't change my point.
It quite literally does, the operative word being "marginal"
It quite literally doesn't, remove the word marginal and the point remains the same.
No, it is the status quo. What you're describing is capitalism. It is not closer to socialism.
Please link me to the careers page of these plentiful jobs that engage in substantive profit sharing for all working class employees.
Profits go to the capital class currently, that's the whole problem, right?
You've never heard the term "stock option"?
Lol I guess you people never have had actual jobs if you believe that is remotely common for the working class.
you definitely have not read a single page of marxist theory
Social democracy sounds great, sign me up.
Dude you still don't stop worker exploitation, don't solve the contradiction of working and capitalist classes, don't end imperialism or colonialism (social democracy outsources exploitation to the third world), and just set up a future capitalist takeover and descent into neoliberal hell.
You really haven't read any theory. At all. Did you take one silly phrase and think you had something?! Your politics are immature and uninformed. Please read theory.
Ok let me know how your method works out because right now it's neither.
The method has worked, is working, and will work
you won't see it though, I hope to kill people like you
If course you would, like a good little authoritarian.
In my ideal society I'd give people like you the freedom you deserve.
Only a person with no moral compass would disagree with the banning of such terrible ideologies
My ideal society is real, yours never has been
My ideal society is real
Pick one. It's either real or ideal, therefore fantasy.
Socialism is my ideal, communism is my ideal, any world where the oppressed are free and the fascists, capitalists, and neoliberals are gulaged is my ideal
Did you think comrade stalin's name in my user was ironic? I'm a communist, through and through. Its not my fault my blood beats red and my heart is on the left.
No one gives a shit about your ideal society, because we don't live in your imagination land.
That's not whataboutism, that was the original argument.
You guys are the worst trolls in the fediverse.
I'm sorry you just did the fallacy-fallacy and your entire argument and opinion are now disregarded. Please return to the Rochester School of Rhetoric to obtain your speaking license.
Ok I'll keep that in mind.