Progress Chapter 163 to be shown live and for free from 3pm tomorrow.
Billy Corgan to star in reality show as president of the National Wrestling Alliance
Okada's last moment in NJPW
WWE ELIMINATION CHAMBER Discussion Thread 02/24/24
AEW RAMPAGE Discussion Thread 02/23/24
WWE SMACKDOWN Discussion Thread 02/23/24
TNA NO SURRENDER Discussion Thread 02/23/24
Spoilers for some title matches.
2023 Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards
The Young Bucks: YOUR EVPs, Nicholas & Matthew Jackson will debut a new name for one of their finishers tonight on AEW Rampage!
Minoru Suzuki has announced he's done with NJPW.
Botchamania 489
Orange Cassidy interview: 'If I wasn't in AEW, I'd be a one note joke and done in six months'
TNA IMPACT! Discussion Thread 02/22/24
Matt Koon (musician behind FTR's theme and more), in response to Val Venus going on a transphobic rant targeted at Cody Rhodes, buys and redirects it to the National Center for Transgende
Madison Rayne Confirms She's Okay After Match With Deonna Purrazzo On 2/21 AEW Dynamite
Tonights ROH card. Make sure to check out what will no doubt be a good match between Nyla and Athena!
John Cena has made an OnlyFans. For real.
WOR: Wrestler injures ankle during main event, future questionable (Update: Seemingly debunked by AEW personnel per SRS)
Wrestle Universe will now be ¥1,298 a month starting from 22nd March. Ganbare☆Pro will remain on the service after they split from CyberFight. Shows from Michinoku Pro, REAL ZERO1 and Sendai Girls wil