PREVIEW of Pathfinder's Remastered Champion! (Its version of D&D's paladin) (Rules Lawyer)
Opinion - Human Fighter is the most creative character option
Verdant Sorcerer Bloodline
PaizoCon Presentation Recaps
Expectations for Player Core 2?
New Errata Released
I’m making a Pathfinder setting inspired by Ancient India!
Surprise! Pathfinder: Dragon's Demand CRPG Kickstarter Page Found
How long does combat in PF2e take?
Saving Throw Survey Results!
Legend of Zelda Monster Core for PF2e
Paths of Hyrule (formerly Adventures in Hyrule) 1.3 for PF2 Released
A Family of Heroic Homebrew Rules by u/AvtrSpirit
Escape - is the unarmed attack modifier Finesse?
Survey: How Easy is it to Guess a Creature's Worst Saving Throw?
Thoughts on Guardian?
We Be Goblins Free! Conversion Guide Released
Spaerna by ForesterDesigns - Pokemone Homebrew for PF2
BattleCry Playtest is Live!