Michel Talagrand's reaction to winning the 2024 Abel Prize
The complete story of Gödel incompleteness.
A short(er) proof of the divergence of the harmonic series
How many times must you fold a paper to reach the Moon?
How the Fibonacci sequence can convert between Miles and Kilometers
Conway's Game of Life is Omniperiodic
The Astonishing Behavior of Recursive Sequences
Full Berkeley Lectures on Group Theory
A Brief History of Tricky Mathematical Tiling | Quanta Magazine
The Strange Numbers That Birthed Modern Algebra
Y'all are dark magicians
Every factorial is a power
Who else loves the brilliant app
Unicode 15 includes glyphs for a beautiful base-20 number system invented by Inuit school children in the 90s
Here’s How Two New Orleans Teenagers Found a New Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
Elusive ‘Einstein’ Solves a Longstanding Math Problem
An aperiodic monotile (einstein problem connected solution claim)
Physics and Mathematics Self-Study Projects — DIEGO VERA
Conway’s Game of Life: Mathematics and Construction
Cistercian numerals invented by the Cistercian order of monks in the 13th century.