(https://fosstodon.org/tags/KubeCon) #ObservabilityDay? It’s time to talk about the unspoken challenges of [#monitoring](https://fosstodon.org
JWT Validation with Istio
It’s time to talk about the unspoken challenges of monitoring #Kubernetes: the bloat of metric data, the high churn rate of pod metrics, configuration complexi
Question: how to check GKE and EKS default enabled/disabled feature gates
K3s in Production?
Any users of minio-operator?
TIL about Reflector: reflect secrets over multiple namespaces
Kubernetes 1.28: Revenge of the Sidecars?
Kubernetes — the standardization platform
MicroK8s: The lightweight Kubernetes
Kubernetes pods /etc/resolv.conf ndots:5 option and why it may negatively affect your application performances
CLI for determining the cost of Kubernetes workloads
When is a CPU not a CPU? Benchmark of Kubernetes Providers and Node Efficiency | Robusta
uses eBPF to probe performance counters and other system stats, use ML models to estimate workload
GitHub - collabnix/kubezilla500: Building a largest Kubernetes Community Cluster
I used Gorilla-CLI to give me kubectl command to patch a daemonset
PSA don't host your free images on dockerhun
Using Kubernetes for development?
The Illustrated Children's Guide to Kubernetes - Video (8m)
Testing Service Accounts in Kubernetes