TIE Interceptor™ 75382 Revealed
Yet-to-be-released SLS set 10341 spotted in Taipei airport
Every T-Rex variation from 2012-2024
Plague doctor by brickaa_mocs@reddit
Lego says its use of AI-generated images was a mistake
LEGO price per part over the years
Lego Dungeons and Dragons set - $360 - 4th of April
Lego teases DnD set coming April on their official instagram
LEGO Ideas: The Art of Japan
Lego MiniFig Decoder, allows you to know which figs are in the packet
LEGO celebrates Batman: The Animated Series with 76271 Gotham City Skyline art set [News] - The Brothers Brick
New LEGO sets for March 2024 now available for purchase [News] - Did any of them caught your interest?
I know it's not much, but my first and I love it!
Lego Sashimi (stop motion)
French Cleat Floating Desk
Got this R2-D2 figure that’s missing some blue print via a BrickLink order. The seller listed the fig in New condition. Do you think it’s a novel misprint or actually a used fig with print worn off?
Maybe a bit late, but Year of the Dragon set (40611) got built
Tranquil Garden all lit up
New DnD LEGO Mini Figures May Be Coming Soon